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Presearch Decentralized Search Engine Raising Funds

Presearch Decentralized Search Engine Raising Funds

As a lot of our existing clients are Internet Marketers and SEO companies, we all have seen the long term effects of search engines. It is a constant battle of updating knowledge. One day it works, next day you are hurrying to find the next working ...

As a lot of our existing clients are Internet Marketers and SEO companies, we all have seen the long term effects of search engines. It is a constant battle of updating knowledge. One day it works, next day you are hurrying to find the next working method. This is such an inefficient proposal! The effect on society is a negative one because people need money to live and eat. If you are working full time, then seeing your income suddenly stop is a bad thing, but it is a common thing with centralized organizations.

With blockchain technology comes a lot of decentralized view points. Being able to not be limited to the constant need to update your self. A lot of people have been crying out for normality, and I think that a lot of the shift is due to this.

Presearch aims to create a decentralized search engine and they are raising funds. Already raising millions of dollars, presearch is currently in Lot 3 of their fundraising efforts so that they can build the decentralized search engine.

They are giving out tokens to investors which will be used within the search engine to purchase advertising and importantly be able to vote on decisions for development.

For any Internet Marketer and SEO company, this is an unpresedented view because no search engine has asked how can we make it work for both of us. It has always been a marketing trick to make changes that fundementally damage peoples incomes, to allow being in the news and require the eye balls to constantly focus on that specific search engine. At least that is my view of the matter in years of not only marketing my own websites but also in marketing our clients websites and services.

Another interesting point about Presearch is that it aims to make open and transparent ranking factors so that marketers and websites know exactly how to work with Presearch to rank.

With this level playing field, it is likely that those who want to succeed online will be able to do that without guesswork and with the advantage that they as token holders can vote on future changes as well as be aware of future changes, rather than being in the dark, you will know how to conduct marketing now into the future.

Presearch token sale is in Lot 3 now and each time it has sold out in a short period of time. As they are raising funds from the crowd, the value of the token is also likely to be a great investment considering that there is a limited supply of the tokens. When you factor in how much is spent in online advertising on search engines yearly, then it is possibly an opportunistic time to get tokens before they launch.

As an SEO company, Presearch offers a great potential. As it is raising funds and you get tokens, they become part of the benefit you provide your clients as if the price increases, you essentially have wholesale tokens. In Lot 3, they are $0.15 cents per token, and Lot 4 goes to $0.20 and Lot 5 goes to $0.25 cents, so there is an advantage to get now.

You may be wondering how to participate.

  1. Click here to go to Presearch and signup, then enter all the information it requires. Then you will be able to go to Buy Tokens and purchase the tokens.
  1. Next step is getting some bitcoins or ethereum. If you look at the bottom of the Try A Million website, you will find a widget where you can purchase bitcoins or ethereum directly here. It is recommended to send from a wallet you have Electrum for bitcoin or MyEtherWallet for Ethereum are two great wallets. You will have 2 hours within to send funds, but keep in mind that it can take some time for the transaction to verify, so only go through that process when you are ready. If you already have bitcoins or ethereum, you can send from your wallet.

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This article does not constitute any advice and is for informational purposes only. Investments can go up and they can go down and you could lose more than you put in. Try A Million Legal notice.


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