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Our content by our Try A Million Article Masters TM is global. With more than 1 million words online on client websites, We Power the Web!
Staff Max: 400 Content Created: 4,000+ Words: 1,000,000+ Pages Created: 500,000 Customers Served: 2000+ Global Readers: 1,000,000+ Addition to Global GDP: £1,000,000+

Try A Million Web Hosting

Most popular web hosting doesn’t give you the features you need or the peace of mind. At Try A Million we cater to web hosting that will enable you to have peace of mind with your websites running.

Whether you want to run one web site or many, Try A Million Web Hosting gives you an easy route to growing one or more websites.

Fair Use Unlimited Domains – You get to add as many domains as you like! Whether you have one website or many, never fear with one web site needing upgrade of resources. Each of our servers provide you shared web hosting that enables us to offer you upgrades if you pass fair use policy.

Fair Use Unlimited Storage – When you start your web site you may have a small site to begin with, over time, your website will grow. Try A Million Web Hosting is a shared hosting plan that gives you a soft limit of 10 GB of storage space, and with fair use, if most others hosting on the same shared hosting server uses less, we can increase up to fair use limits. After this, we can offer you an upgrade to a solution that is best suited for your needs!

Keep your web site running for years! – Try A Million Web Hosting provides you 1 year, 2 year, 3 year options, allowing you to feel safe in the knowledge you don’t have to worry about losing your hosting of websites.

Once you purchase your web hosting, our teams and server providers will work to get everything set up for you, and contact you for more information to help you with your hosting package.

Note, Try A Million Web Hosting is not suitable for video hosting, file hosting, mp3 hosting, image hosting sites.